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These Innovators are using PitchMark - are you?

Area of Expertise:
Other Service Industry

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Others

Area of Expertise:
Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Others

Area of Expertise:
Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Video/TV production, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Music/jingle composition, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Voice-overs, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition

Area of Expertise:
Architecture, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Construction, Engineering, Electronics, Manufacturing, Other Service Industry

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Marketing, Advertising, Other Service Industry

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Music/jingle composition

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Others

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Construction, Engineering

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs

Area of Expertise:
Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Manufacturing, Other Service Industry

Area of Expertise:
Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Website design & development

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Animation/3D, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Video/TV production

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Video/TV production, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Sales, Others

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development, Others

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Music/jingle composition

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Others

Area of Expertise:
Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Video/TV production, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Website design & development, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Animation/3D, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Animation/3D, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Website design & development

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches

Area of Expertise:
Music/jingle composition

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Architecture, Copywriting, Animation/3D, Video/TV production

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Architecture, Animation/3D, Sales

Area of Expertise:
Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Voice-overs

Area of Expertise:
Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Website design & development, Sales

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Voice-overs, Sales, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Voice-overs, Sales, Others

Area of Expertise:
Copywriting, Video/TV production, Music/jingle composition, Website design & development

Area of Expertise:
Music/jingle composition

Area of Expertise:

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design, Copywriting, Video/TV production, Website design & development, Proposals/Pitches, Others

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development, Others

Area of Expertise:
Graphic design

Area of Expertise:
Website design & development

Here are 6 reasons to sign up now as an innovator!


Defend your ideas with a PitchMark Certificate

PitchMark your document(s) every time you pitch to a client.

The Certificate is evidence that you created your material before the date and time of the Certificate.

It has been fitted with a number of security features, to ensure they cannot be forged or copied.

This Certificate is part of the compressed folder containing your other documents. Send the whole compressed folder - including this certificate - to your client.

Join now!

6 simple steps to PitchMark your existing documents

  • pitch_icon_1.png

    Register & Sign In



    Upload the documents(s) you want to send to your prospective client.

  • pitch_icon_3.png


    Immediately download the Zip file. It contains the documents you submitted, as well as your individually numbered and date-stamped PitchMark Certificate, and other important information for your client.



    Send the Zip file to your client with a link or as an attachment.

  • pitch_icon_1.png


    If you opted in, the existence of your submission is published in the PitchFeed. This shows that the material you created officially exists, and that you reserve all rights to it. If your pitch is successful, you can also publicise this through our PitchFeed! Your pitch documents are, of course, not shared.



    Ensure your PitchMark profile is up-to-date, so that prospective clients can find you. Your profile page is also where you can alert us if you think your PitchMarked material has been misappropriated.

What you can PitchMark

Ideas & concepts

You’ve created some mock-ups and want to send these to a prospective client. You want to prove you can do the job, but you’re worried they will decline working with you - only to implement your idea or concept themselves. Especially for: Creative agencies, marketing agencies, web designers.

Graphic designs & storyboards

You've come up with a storyboard for a video. Now it's time to show it to your prospective client. But you are nervous they might take your ideas and give them to a cheaper vendor to execute. Especially for: Graphic artists, architects, video producers.

Creative or business proposals

You have developed a business plan, you’re keen to win over clients or investors, but you are concerned your proposal will allow someone else to put it into action. Especially for: Start-ups, sales people, entrepreneurs.

Melodies & music

There is no limit to the type of materials you can PitchMark - and that includes melodies or music. Or photographs, drawings or sketches. Especially for: Composers, photographers ...anyone who has created material and wants to protect it.

Show you are part of the community

Signal to any would-be idea thief that you take your IP seriously, by inserting a badge code into your website gallery, blog or email signature (log in to retrieve the code).

This is what it looks like (click on it to see what happens):

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